A Step-By-Step Guide to Handling The Estate of a Loved One in Scotland
When we lose a loved one, the last thing we wish to think about are the administrative tasks involved. The…
Losing a loved one brings profound grief. We assist with legal preparations to ease your burden - securing the estate, enacting wills, etc. Compassionate guidance so you can mourn fully, without legal worries weighing you down.
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Caring for Your Family
We can assist in providing you with tailored advice to suit your family’s needs.
In Safe Hands
We will handle your affairs with the sensitivity and care they deserve while maintaining the utmost professionalism.
We understand that being diagnosed with a terminal illness or simply knowing that life is naturally coming to an end can make you feel sad, scared, and confused. Once you and your loved ones have taken time to digest the news, thoughts will undoubtedly turn to “what next?” This is particularly the case when it comes to discussing family assets and how you would wish your loved ones to be looked after.
Whether you are coming to us for your first Will or seeking our guidance in dealing with a complex estate, we can provide you with bespoke advice to suit your individual circumstances. We will discuss everything you need and ensure your affairs are in order and that your loved ones will be looked after in the event that something should happen to you.
We can help every step of the way.
There are many benefits to having a Power of Attorney. The most important thing is that you select who you wish to look after your affairs if you are unable to. Without a Power of Attorney, it is likely a third party, such as a medical professional, will simply make decisions for you.
With that in mind, a Power of Attorney allows you peace of mind knowing that someone you trust is in charge of your affairs. A Power of Attorney also ensures decisions can be made on your behalf in the event you become incapable. Quite simply, it acts as a form of protection when you are at your most vulnerable.
No one has an automatic right to make decisions for you without proper legal authority. A Power of Attorney allows you that authority and ensures someone can step into your shoes and look after your needs if you are unable to do so for yourself. Protect yourself and your loved ones in knowing you have put in place such an important document.
It is important to review your Will every few years to make sure it is still suitable for your circumstances and is reflective of your wishes. If your circumstances or wishes have changed due to a particular life event such as getting married or having children, then you should update your Will. If you die and your Will hasn’t been updated, your estate may not pass to who you wish.
You can make a Will yourself but this is never advisable. There are many factors to take into account and it is easy to miss out important details. What may seem a simple enough task can lead to costly legal problems further down the line for your Executors and beneficiaries. There are also specific rules regarding how your Will should be signed and witnessed to ensure it’s properly valid. We can help and ensure the process is as smooth and as simple as possible, leaving you with peace of mind in knowing everything has been taken care of.
A Power of Attorney may seem to be a simple legal document to complete. However, there are various matters to consider such as how many Attorneys should I have? Do they all need to act together? Do I have all of the proper powers listed? This is a complex area of the law and having an understanding of the requirements is vital. If you make a mistake, your Power of Attorney may be rejected when registering with the Office of the Public Guardian and additional fees incurred. Having sound legal advice is crucial in helping you prepare your Power of Attorney to ensure it meets your needs in the event that you become incapable of dealing with your own affairs.
The time it takes to write a Will is subjective as it very much depends on how complex your instructions are. The greater detail required, the longer it will take to prepare as there will be more complex drafting involved. Normally, we can complete the process within 2 weeks. However, when it is urgent, we can do this in a matter of hours.
With our professional solicitors on hand, we can have your Power of Attorney prepared in as little as 2 weeks. However, in order for the Power of Attorney to be used, it must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian Scotland. Their turnaround times can vary, but as at January 2024, it is taking around 10 months. Once registered, however, it can be used when the need arises.